Remind Group
María Fernanda
A+ R A-


4km (2.5mi) from Provincial Route 136
17km (10.5mi) from Gualeguaychú
238km (147.5mi) from CABA
Surface: 1,237 ha
Sector A: 286 ha, Sector B: 259 ha,
Sector C: 157 ha, Sector D: 535 ha

Polo Centre, main house, laboratory, stallion-type boxes, 8 boxes, saddle box, veterinary’s house, manager’s house, personnel house, chutes, stallion wood pegs, full corrals.
Training arena, corrals, 6 boxes, large wood pegs.
Feed lot, 1500 head capacity, 400 indoor, pens, troughs, silo, gravel road.
Work area, chute, scale, corrals, shed, warehouse.
Work area, open shed, warehouse, chute.

Mixed farm with deep soil and moderate draining capacity. It has been classified as belonging to the vertisol type.
The soil’s aptitude in terms of agricultural capacity ranges from moderate to good. Erosion must be contemplated, and very dry years represent somewhat of a difficulty. The land is especially suitable for rotation between crop and livestock production, including double-purpose crops such as corn or sorghum, andimplanting pastures and utilizing soy for land cleansing in order to be able to regrow new high quality fields.


• 17 km (10.5mi) from Gualeguaychú
• Polo Centre/ With main house
• Training arena
• Feed lot
• 2 working areas
• 3 chutes
• Aptitude: Agricultural / Livestock

  • Characteristics: • 17 km de Gualeguaychu
    • Centro de polo / con casco
    • Centro de Doma
    • Feed Lost
    • 2 Puestos de trabajo
    • 3 Mangas
    • Aptitud agrícola / ganadera

Luis Etchegaray
+54 11 43 25 43 25 / + 54 9 11 53 89 96 54